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10 Feb 2014

Weekly Resolution #3

Weekly Resolution

I can't seem to write blog posts on Sunday, so again this post is a little late.

Last weeks resolution was about sending more regular messages to friends. It was a pretty successful resolution, not only did I achieve it but it also led to me meeting up with a friend on Saturday who I hadn't seen for ages. We had a really fab time in London and it was just what I needed after a pretty boring week.

Anyway, a new week begins and it's back to the full-time job hunt. I'm feeling positive though so excited to see what a new week shall bring.

My resolution for this week concerns health. During the week it is so easy for me to sit around on my laptop all day. This means I hardly achieve any of the 10,000 recommended daily steps and generally start to feel a bit lethargic. So, this week my resolution is:

Go for a 30 minute walk every day.

I've known I should have been doing this for a while however I always had excuses (I would look silly without a dog being a main one?). This week I will try to accomplish one short walk every day (come rain or shine). I think doing this will be great, not only for my health, but for productivity also.If I can fit it into a midday break then hopefully it will help overcome that afternoon slump. I'm hoping it will also make me more appreciative of the area I am living in right now, there is plenty of countryside around and although I am looking to move to the city, I should appreciate the positives to my current situation.

Is this something that you already do already or would like to start?

Hope you all have fantastic weeks.
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